One of these, the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933, guaranteed workers a minimum wage, reasonable hours, collective bargaining and the right to join unions. 该项法律保证工人有最低限度的工资,合理的工作时数,集体谈判权和加入工会权。
Recovery of execution is a very important system besides the execution objection within our execution remedies system, which has an essential effect on ensuring the legal rights of the right holders. 执行回转制度是我国执行救济中除了执行异议外的一项相当重要的制度,对于保障权利人的合法权利有着不可替代的作用。
Sinus node recovery time ( SNRT) and atrioventricular nodal conduction time ( AVNRT) were normal in all but 1 patients who had ⅰ degree AVB. ( 3) The effective refractory periods at each atrial position were longer than that of high right atrium; 除1例Ⅰ度房室传导阻滞外,窦房结及房室结功能检查均正常。
The changes in plasma BNP level in patients with congenital heart disease after transcatheter closure would contribute to evaluate the recovery of right ventricular function. 结论先天性心脏病行封堵术后,观察患者血浆BNP水平变化有助于评估右心室功能的恢复情况。
Recovery of Vegetation within the Right of Way from the Ecological Viewpoint 从生态学角度恢复公路征地范围的植被
The microdialysis samples were collected and BIS was recorded after reperfusion. The recovery of right reflection was observed after ischemia and the motor function was observed. 观察清醒、缺血及再灌注后海马谷氨酸递质浓度及BIS改变,记录翻正反射恢复的时间及运动功能评分。
It is precisely because of the imperfections of the land reserve system, the recovery of state-owned land use right, a lot of prejudice to the interests of the compulsory land, land use act. 正是由于土地储备制度的不完善,政府在收回国有土地使用权时,出现了很多损害原土地使用人利益的强制性土地收回行为。
The patient's postoperative recovery was well in 14 of 20 cases, but there were transient aphasia and reactive dullness in 3 cases, minor epilepsy in 2 cases and right upper extremity asthenia in 1 case. 术后无1例死亡,3例术后出现短暂性失语和反应迟钝,2例术后癫痫小发作,1例术后出现短暂性右上肢无力,14例术后恢复良好。
Inclusive circulation of shares includes recovery of circulating right and listing circulation. 股份全流通包括恢复流通权与实际上市流通两个层次。
The claim rights from the rights of thing and the rights of action for the recovery of damages are different in aims and functions, basis of right, the claim for damages, principles of blaming, duty forms and whether they are applicable to the litigious time-efficiency. 物权请求权与损害赔偿请求权在目的与功能、权利基础、损害的要求、归责原则、责任方式以及是否适用诉讼时效等方面存在着明显的不同;
Recovery of state-owned poverty right and returning the receding of private capital emerged in some bus-privatized cities, which caused the academic circles to re-discuss and think about that whether the public enterprises can really be privatized. 部分已经公交民营化的城市,出现了回收国有产权、清退民营资本的倒退,这使得学界对公用企业能否真的民营化开展了新的讨论与思考。
For example, about legal nature of recovery of property, I think we should adopt all of the right to restitution and unjust enrichment claim of concurrence of opinion, and presented the reasons. 以无效合同返还财产的法律性质为例,笔者认为应采用所有物返还请求权与不当得利请求权的竞合的观点,并阐述了理由。
Followed by an analysis of the recovery of violation of property right that constitute a crime and the boundaries of robbery and offence of extortion by blackmail. 其次分析了索债行为侵犯财产性权利构成犯罪的两个要素和抢劫罪与敲诈勒索罪的界限。
The procedure of the identify the property without owner is a component of the procedure of non-defendant, it has important significance for recovery and reconstruct legal relationship of the property right. 认定财产无主程序作为我国非讼程序的组成部分,对于恢复或者重构物权法律关系具有重要的法律意义。
The claim of recovery of cost is not an independent right of claim. 但费用返还请求不是一项独立的请求权。
For the compensation of recovery of state-owned land use right, approach of type should be adopted, distinction between compensation of land use-right of the transfer and compensation of land use right of assign. 对于征收的国有土地使用权进行补偿,应该采用类型化的方法,区分出让土地使用权补偿和划拨土地使用权补偿。
To recovery the belongings involved in the criminal cases can not only serve as strong evidence of fighting crimes, but also prevent the profit from criminal behaviors, which can also recover the lawful right and social economic relationship of the victim. 将刑事涉案财物追缴到案,既能作为打击犯罪的有力证据,防止行为人通过犯罪行为获利,也是对被害人合法权益及社会经济关系的恢复。